Friday, May 8, 2015


I have decided to change my masterpiece project from what i was previously doing to cutting hair because i wasn't making much progress on my last project and i have already started on this one.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

My inner Jiro

I think that my inner Jiro is playing basketball becuase that is when im at peace and is something im willing to fail at and get back up and keep trying i feel like thats what i was meant to do.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Today i learned

Today i learned that having and maintaining a dog is a bigger responsibility then i thought and its not always fun

Monday, February 23, 2015

Catcher in the Rye chapter 18

After leaving Holden goes to the store to buy some things and starts thinking about calling Jane again but when he called no one picked up. Later he goes to see a movie with a friend. After the movie he walks to a bar and thinks about how the movie was about war and he would never do that.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Catcher in the Rye chapter 17

Holden goes to meet his date sally at 2 but she arrives late. They take a taxi to the theatre and begin kissing. Sally begins flirting with someone and irritates Holden but still takes her to go ice skating. Holden starts thinking to himself that she only wanted to go ice skating to wear a short skirt to show off her butt. They begin to talk and Holden says they should run away together but Sally thinks its stupid and ridiculous which agitates Holden making him call Sally names and leaves without her.

Catcher in the Rye chapter 16

Holden goes for a walk after breakfast and thinks about how people can be so giving and selfless like the nuns he met. He then goes to buy a record for Phoebe. Holden calls Jane but hangs up as soon as her mother answers the phone. He buys tickets to see a movie with his date Sally. Holden starts thinking about Phoebe and goes to look for her and runs into a girl that knows her. He goes into the museum that the girl said even though the trip was the previous day and reminisces on his own trips.